Doug Schutte's One-Moron Show

By The Bard's Town Theatre (other events)

Friday, September 30 2016 7:30 PM 8:30 PM EDT

Friday, September 30 (7:30 PM) 

FREE (But ticket required to reserve your spot; open seating for this event)

Doug Schutte remounts his one-man show that debuted early September as part of the annual SINGLE SHOTS Festival.  He gave the Single Shot folks a title before he had written the show, though, so the show title is "You Say Tomato, I Say Go F%$# Yourself: An Absolute Moron's Guide to Being an Absolute Moron."  It could perhaps more aptly be titled "Me and Earl and the Moron World" or "Growing Up Is Hard To Do." 

The show will most likely make you laugh a lot (a surprise to some), but the show might also make you cry a good bit, too (a surprise to most who attended the premiere).  As Doug teaches you the path to Absolute Moron Enlightenment, you'll follow him through his odd childhood, his numerous neck tumor surgeries and struggles with mortality, his father's death, his growing friendship with his soul mate Earl the Prophet, and his little brother's whirlwind illness and passing...and the aftermath that engulf Doug.  Through each challenge, Doug--and Earl the Prophet--stay committed to the Absolute Moron way, as only Absolute Morons can.  

Tickets for this event are FREE (ticketing system is used to make sure we do not exceed capacity).  Donations to Bard Theatre will be accepted at the show, but no payment or donation is expected. 

If dining beforehand, 6 PM is recommended.  If looking to make a full Bard night of it, be sure to check out purchasing tickets for Raanan Hershberg's 10 PM show that same evening, a one-hour comedy show entitled JEWNICORN.  (This is Raanan's final comedy special before he moves to NY!)

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1801 Bardstown Rd Louisville, KY 40205